Thursday, January 24, 2008

I found this on the Tigers Website:
I don't have a question, rather a statement. My daughter, myself, my brother-in-law and my father-in-law went to TigerFest. We met the players and enjoyed the kids activities in the stadium. After TigerFest, we left the stadium, and due to the economy, there were homeless asking for handouts. My family went to Johnny Rockets across from the stadium to get a bite to eat before our 250-mile ride north. While we were sitting there, a gentleman in a very nice suit came in with one of those homeless people and bought them dinner. That person was Robertson. You hear about what the players do for the community, but you don't realize it sometimes till you see it first-hand. As my family left Johnny Rockets, we passed the Fox Theatre, where there is another restaurant where we saw Robertson with his wife. He took time away from his dinner and his wife to help this person who did not know who he was. Makes me proud to be a Tiger fan.
I appreciated this man's leaving this comment. Nate Robertson is a Christian baseball player for the Tigers. I saw him at Home Plate, a Christian baseball players i guess rally, a couple years ago. He and his wife spoke there. I know he has the money to spend, but how many people in his position would of done that. Hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

With owen looking so excited, you would of thought his Uncle Mj was somewhere in the room!!!!! Man i love that kid!!!!!!