Tuesday, November 06, 2007

GO LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Since you liked the first one so much, I thought i would give you another one.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who knew playing monopoly on Playatmcd.com could be so fun? Ive never played real monopoly before so this is pretty easy. This is for kelly, but lets keep this on the down low, cuz i would like to receive supper sometime this month!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm at school working on a speech, which if any of you know me will guess that it is due tommorrow, which it is. Anyways i thought i would let you know that i am not enjoying it one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not like any of you have had to write a speech LOL.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hi everyone, this time it actually is someone other than Kelly. All of you have been wondering about me and my blogging. I just thought tonight that maybe i have to sign in before i edit my blog, the problem then was that i could not remember my password. So i got a new password and here i am.
I just finished my first year of college on friday. I'm sure that will be hard to believe for most of you. Hard to believe for myself as well. The school year went pretty well. I probably got at least a B in all my classes. I missed a b+ in psych by 2pts. I needed 73/80 on my final exam, but i only got 71. I'm pretty sure i got an A in my math class and in my recent american history class. I'm just not sure how i did in English and early american history. That's right two history classes. I was telling a girl at school about that and she was like "TOO MUCH HISTORY". I'm sure her teachers would appreciate that.
Well i should be getting some more hours at work, now that i'm done with school. That will be pretty nice! It will be kinda cool to work with Drew a little more. It wil be pretty nice cuz they have been fixing the roof at work, so hopefully on monday there will be no more water in the warehouse. That will be a first in a while.
I will probably have to go to Drew's and Amanda's tomorrow because they are in north carolina for the weekend and i'm supposed to be watching their adorable gray kitten, Buddy. He is a goofy little fella. He likes to play around a lot, but the rest of the time he just sleeps. Amanda called to ask me how he was doing on friday night. I told her i was about to give him a taste of the outside, because the stupid cat jumped up and clawed my bare foot. If you know Ben, putting him outside would of been nice for him.
Well i'm at my friend kyle's house, so i should probably get going. Now all of you can read my awesome new blog entry LOL.
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hello everyone! I know this is the first update in a while. My first semester of college is over. My cum. GPA was 3.30, so that was pretty good. I have successfully completed 15 credit hours and after this semester i will have 32 credits under my belt. So college is going pretty well. I am taking Early Am. History, Recent Am. History, Psychology, College Algebra, and English 112. MY math class is nice because we do not have any tests, just a quiz everyday. 24 quizzes worth 25 pts a piece. And the final is optional, we can take it to replace our four lowest quiz scores. My Early Am. History is weird because our teacher basically says everything we have learned in any other history class is wrong.(The Pilgrims and Puritans were the bad people and they persecuted the Catholics). Those were just my thoughts about those 2 classes. My other classes are just normal classes. I am still working. It is very nice because i normally get out of class at 1 and work from 2-5, mon-thurs, on Fridays i work all day.I am happy because i weighed myself today, and i have lost about 5-6 pounds since Drew and I have been playing 1 on 1 full court basketball. We normally play 3-4 10min quarters, about 2-3 times a week.My week consists basically of school in the morning, work for a few hours, and then homework or basketball games. Depending on competition and location, i normally go to either BBA's or Birch Run's game. Drew is really enjoying coaching, it also has the benefits of its facility. We can play in there after practice with the nice gym and the maintenance lady does not care if we listen to the stereo. The people in BR are very nice to Drew. In the small community almost everyone knows who you are when you're a coach.Well its not like my life is to exciting, so i thought i would make Kelly happy and tell what is going on in my life. Hope all are doing well!MJ
posted by mj at 6:49 PM 0 comments this is the one i said i posted/ I found it i guess i started a new blog instead of a new post.