Just keeping people informed when i'm away at college.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Since you liked the first one so much, I thought i would give you another one.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Who knew playing monopoly on Playatmcd.com could be so fun? Ive never played real monopoly before so this is pretty easy. This is for kelly, but lets keep this on the down low, cuz i would like to receive supper sometime this month!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
I'm at school working on a speech, which if any of you know me will guess that it is due tommorrow, which it is. Anyways i thought i would let you know that i am not enjoying it one bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not like any of you have had to write a speech LOL.
I'm 20 years old. I am going to Maranatha Baptist College to pursue a degree in elementary education. I won't see you guys back in Saginaw at least until Thanksgiving. Can't really wait until that day comes.